Monday, December 2, 2013

Ira Glass on storytelling

While looking through creative outlets to find content for blog posts this coming month, I came across this video, part three of a four segment series on Ira Glass's advice for creatives. Ira Glass is the host of This American Life, a weekly radio show that has been adapted to television on occasion. The segment features stories, memoirs, essays and other verbal 'snapshots' to explore a thematic concept, usually one linked to a different emotion or behavior of human nature. 
This video primarily encouraged me to look a little more into This American Life series as a way to grow my social curiosity and interest in the unique individuals and stories that surround us every day. I mean really, how many times do you need to listen to Timber or Wake Me Up on your commute?
Additionally, this video encouraged me to reinvigorate my creative side. I have never been an artisan, but have always had an immense appreciation for the arts. Creatives don't have to be limited to whether or not their skill is dynamite or noteworthy, but rather are limitless when they factor in the potential for greatness.
Glass says in the video, "your taste is still killer," and frankly that's all that is needed on the aesthetic front.
I'd like to say I have killer taste and I want to continue using it in the best way possible. Time can sometimes escape me, working 10 hour days during the week, working at the boutique on the weekends, participating on a couple of boards in Cincinnati and attending events linked to my committee membership. Although I have always kept up my blog to explore and grow creative tendencies, I had to decrease my posts to three days a week. I needed to make sure I had enough time, stayed motivated, and created content that held just as much (if not more) inspiration like I have done for over three years.
As I continue to keep up my little site, this video inspired me to also increase my creativity outside of the cyber world. Maybe bring to life my writing interests, go back to my jewelry kit, and re-start designing clothes? Maybe sign-up for an art class, dance class, or book club? There are a lot of exciting opportunities that I will be looking forward to exploring with the new year on the horizon. 

Do you have any creative interests that you want to bring back to life?
Because I am sure you have killer taste as well :)
Happy Monday, toodles!

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